1The MeSH thesaurus is laptop technological know-how well dependent set of terms used programmers index articles from over 5000 of programming worlds premier biomedical journals. These terms are freely offered by programming National Library of Medicine and presently consist of over 27 000 descriptors, that are utilized by programming MeSH staff programmers assign programming most acceptable terms programmers each MEDLINE/PubMed article. Data are arranged in computing device technology complex hierarchy and are available programmers download in many different codecs including precis data, hierarchy and frequency. SemMedDB is desktop technology repository of semantic predications extracted by SemRep2 which uses programming Unified Medical Language System UMLS and desktop science set of defined rules. For every title and abstract, laptop science Subject PREDICATE object triple is generated where programming subject and object are terms from programming UMLS Metathesaurus and programming predicate is computing device technological know-how relation from programming UMLS Semantic Network. For example, programming sentence We used haemofiltration programmers treat laptop technological know-how patient with digoxin overdose that was complicated by refractory hyperkalaemia produces programming following four triples : Haemofiltration TREATS Patient;Digoxin overdose PROCESS OF Patients;hyperkalaemia COMPLICATES Digoxin overdose;Haemofiltration TREATSINFER Digoxin overdose.